The polarities most certainly have grown
strongly in the past few months.
Everyone these days seems to be fighting for something be it truth, logic, facts or freedom.
And amidst all of this charge,
we can’t seem to agree on anything collectively.
The resistance to opposing sides feels so strong.
The world looks like crumbling right before us.
And continuing to believe that we are creating a reality
towards higher consciousness feels defeating
… but could we actually be headed towards a more conscious society?
Could the polarity that we are seeing emerge in the collective actually be a beneficial part of our process of ascension?
In this 2 hour channeled event, we have been joined by many beings as we understand
the current juncture we’re at in our
collective ascension timeline experience as well as how to navigate it using each of our personal lives as service to the collective.
In the 1st class, we explored:
- How to create mastery in our personal reality.
- What collective holograms are and how we can use our personal experience of reality to shift to an outcome we desire.
- How to embodying your truth amidst collective opinion.
- Finding your space of neutrality and activating it to offer your unique energy to co-creating a new collective reality.
We will receive a process and Light Language Activation of alchemizing your energetic perception of polarity and collective upheaval into peace, neutrality and freedom.
In the 2nd class, we’ll explored:
- How you can use your life as a moving service to the planet
- How to come into vibrational alignment in the moment.
- How manifestation changes as we undergo transitions in dimensional reality.
- How to source from the Akashic Field to bring in the most aligned outcomes for your reality which ultimately reverberate out into the collective as well.
We will also receive another process and Light Language process and Activation of aligning your mind, higher self and soul with an Akashic timeline of 5th dimensional living.
Such that, through your engagement of this activity, you become energetically tuned to a vision of Earth you desire to participate in.
You’ll leave with:
- A deeper level of peace, empowerment and compassion embodied within.
- A larger understanding of the themes we can expect to see in the next few months
- Tips and Tools with how to stay in greater alignment during times of collective change and upheaval.
- An understanding of how to use your engagement with life to offer a valuable vibration to the planet to assist in grounding a 5th dimensional reality.
Please note: Replays of the transmission are just as potent as the live classes. Each time you engage with the transmissions, you receive new codes and vibrational adjustments to your auric field and consciousness.
Course Recordings
Layla; Intuitive Channel and Light Language Vocalist
Unique in her ability to connect with and translate many different forms of collective consciousness such as Pleiadians, Arcturians and Ascended Masters, she also transmits dialects of (*)Light Language through spoken, sound, and song. Blending ancient light coded linguistics and multidimensional information, Layla offers meaningful messages for your mind, body and soul.
(*) Light language is a series of tones, harmonies, symbols and speech that is not generally understood by the human mind but is the universal language our soul understands. The light language offered is through spoken, signed and song and has a healing quality to it on a vibrational and cellular level.
For more information please visit
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