Are you becoming affected by the continued restrictions and regulations being imposed upon the collective?

Do you find it difficult to navigate your personal life when outer restrictions seem to limit your everyday experience?

Is your nervous system becoming overwhelmed by the sheer density you are transmuting for the collective? 

In many parts of the world today, there is an increased expectation to do something or behave in someway in order to have the right to exercise basic freedoms-- Not to mention along with these expectations come anger, loneliness, further division and divide. And while we may not be out of this situation yet… how can we become free in a time where the external restrictions are so rampant and suffocating?

Is it possible that this critical point in time in our ascension is asking us to reevaluate our understanding of what it means to be free and have freedom?

The guides recently said to me "Freedom that relies on the external world is a framework of freedom that has been falsely perpetuated for eons. It is a freedom that has been created through the confines of a lower dimensional consciousness that is trying to sustain itself through your belief in it’s power."

A New Earth is created from the awakening of a higher octave of freedom. In other words, in order to recognize and create a 5th dimensional world, a deeper vibration of freedom must be realized within each of us. 

If we raise our consciousness and expand our understanding of how we identify freedom within ourselves, might we see the external world come to reflect that new vibration?

In this channeled class we will be joined by many beings and forms of collective consciousness that will offer us a space for us to activate that infinite well of freedom within.

In this class you will gain:

Practical tips as to how to navigate through reactivity and anger when engaging with the events of the world especially as they have relevancy to your personal work & family situations. 

Supportive guidance for you to stay in alignment and peace with the ever increasing external restrictions.

A new way to be of service to the collective— a way that makes you feel free and connected to the divinity within you.

Powerful visualization processes and a light language activation to unlock an experience of freedom void of reliance on the external world such that you may anchor in this newly awakened inner freedom within you.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated and defeated by what’s happening in the world or worried as to which path you should take, the inner peace and clarity you’re looking for is within the well of your inner freedom.

Join us in this high vibrational event as we awaken to our
Inner Freedom and template that vibration to the external world.

Channeled Event

  Live Event
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