In November of 2019, the beings I work with had eluded to the year of 2020 being full of challenging polarities in the collective.

They highlighted that we would have to contend with multiple

experiences of our external freedoms being restricted from outside forces…with the caveat being, sometimes the polarities have to get so large in order to send us into our inevitable surrender. 

With that being incredibly precise, I’ve decided to team up with them again to offer an event for them to transmit their understanding of the energies of 2021.

In this channeled experience, we will be joined by multiple higher dimensional beings and collectives as they share with us their perspective on how we can navigate the
energies ahead. We will explore different topics such as further mandatory regulations, dealing with ideological polarity with friends and loved ones and how to mobilize with others to source our freedom beyond 3rd dimensional constructs. 

We will also be offered a special process and light language activation to release any dense or imbalanced energies in our field that have been accumulated from the events of this year. Such that, we can co-create our pathway forward with more knowing in the Divine Orchestration that is supporting our collective ascension. 

This channeled event will be in between 60-75 minutes.

Channeled Webinar

Available in days
days after you enroll

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